
About me

Allison Li. Student. Freelancer.

1997. Born at a hospital near southern sea in China.
1998. My families moved from Beihai, which is a coastal town in geographically lower part of Guangxi Province, to Guiyang, which is a Chinese version Winston-Salem with swarms of idlers shuffling on the cramped street and more traffic gridlocks in general.
2000. The millennium. I thought it was the doom day but it turned out I can live much longer. Somewhat then I decided that eating a whole pineapple was a ripping idea. I made it. And I spent my very only millennium night squirming on my grandparents' leather sofa, in the end, unwillingly hauled to local hospital by them.
2005. In daycare, our instructor assigned all kids to draw an chick on the paper and do some coloring. In terms of  "get it color", the authority essentially indicated that it supposed to be yellow. Of course it is common sense; it just happened to me that I did not have one because I've never seen any commercial advertisement like "Start complying with all-new common sense! Only $9.99" on any magazine or TV channel. Anyway, by mixing all particles of crayons with splattering water pigments, perhaps a bit of saliva counted in, helter-skelter, I completed my first drawing: a motley, itsy-bitsy cutie alien-chick, unsurprisingly with three legs. It should be categorically addressed as Gross Anti-Grandiosity(GAG), but "intriguingly ugly" is more preferable. I got an F in a daycare center. Since then there is one question never ceasing to harass me: what is the benchmark of creative forms?
2005-Today. Keep experimenting on various drawing styles and try to find answers. Why plurality? 

I simply enjoy exploring all these differences. 

